1302 Waugh Drive, PMB #465
Houston, Texas 77019-3908 USA
Phone: +1-832-654-4003

Marine Energy Gallery

This is a gallery of pictures of the various Marine Energy power frame designs, power farm designs, wave generator designs and a description of some of the features of each design.


Note: Click on images for larger view. "Next" and "Prev" links appear when you hover over the upper right and left sides of the enlarged photos. Each image can be enlarged and closed individually or at the end of each category.


Combined Current and Wave Generator Supports


Combined Current and Wave Generator Supports Combined Current and Wave Generator Supports Combined Current and Wave Generator Supports

Current Generator Supports

Current Generator Supports Current Generator Supports Current Generator Supports Current Generator Supports


Current Generator Supports Current Generator Supports


Current Generator Supports Current Generator Supports Current Generator Supports

Battered Frames for Minimum Pile and Mooring Leg Loading


The battered frame has the advantage of:

  1. Spreading out the foundation and the tension legs
  2. Maintaining near maximum possible exposure of the current generators to the current
  3. Lowering tension leg and foundation loads
  4. Maintaining the same fabrication and installation methods
  5. Eliminating the need to reduce the bottom dimensions of the frame to avoid tendon to frame interference

Battered Frame Battered Frame Battered Frame

Shallow Water Generator Deployment Systems


Rails and guides used to lower and raise generators through the water to their underwater supports and bottom rails to guide and lock the generators to their final support points:


Shallow Water Generator Deployment Systems Shallow Water Generator Deployment Systems Shallow Water Generator Deployment Systems Shallow Water Generator Deployment Systems

Animations Showing How the Systems Work

Animation Showing How the Systems Work Animation Showing How the Systems Work Animations Showing How the Systems Work

Wave Catchers

Wave Catchers Wave Catchers Wave Catchers


Wave Catchers Wave Catchers Wave Catchers


Wave Catchers Wave Catchers


Note: Click on images below for larger view. See applicable downloads.


6-Stand Alone Wave Catcher© With
Round Pontoons for Most Water Depths

6-Stand Alone Wave Catcher With Round Pontoons for Most Water Depths


9b-Current Catcher Farm With
Double Wave Generators

9b-Current Catcher Farm With Double Wave Generators




11-Current Catcher© With Double Wave
Catcher & Paddle Wheel Current Catchers©

11-Current Catcher With Double Wave Catcher & Paddle Wheel Current Catchers


12-Single Tapered Tension Leg Current
Catcher© Without Wave Generators

12-Single Tapered Tension Leg Current Catcher© Without Wave Generators


13-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher© Farm
With Bridge Mooring & Round Pontoons
(Floats up and down as the surface of the water changes elevation)

13-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher© Farm With Bridge Mooring & Round Pontoons


16A-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher© Farms
With Catenary Mooring Systems & Round Pontoons

16A-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher© Farms With Catenary Mooring Systems & Round Pontoons


16C-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher© Farm
With Spring Buoy Moorings & Round Pontoons

16C-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher© Farm With Spring Buoy Moorings & Round Pontoons

9a-Current Catcher© Farm With
Single Wave Catchers

9a-Current Catcher Farm With Single Wave Catchers


10-Battered Single Tension Leg Unit
Without Wave Generators

10-Battered Single Tension Leg Unit Without Wave Generators


11a-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher©
+ Double Wave Catcher©

11a-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher© + Double Wave Catcher©


13-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher© Farm
With Bridge Mooring & Round Pontoons
(Floats up and down as the surface of the water changes elevation)

13-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher© Farm With Bridge Mooring & Round Pontoons



14-Stand Alone Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher© With Round Pontoons and Catenary Mooring Leg

14-Stand Alone Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher© With Round Pontoons and Catenary Mooring Leg


16B-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher© Farms With Spring Buoy Mooring Systems & Rectangular Pontoons

16B-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher© Farms With Spring Buoy Mooring Systems & Rectangular Pontoons




16D-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher Pontoon Barge©

16D-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher Pontoon Barge 16D-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher Pontoon Barge

16D-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher Pontoon Barge 16D-Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher Pontoon Barge