1302 Waugh Drive, PMB #465
Houston, Texas 77019-3908 USA
Phone: +1-832-654-4003

Tidal Area Current Catchers©

Marine Energy    Super Watt Wave Catcher Barges©    Current Catcher Pontoon Barges©    Ocean Fortress© Desalination Plant
Original Wave Catcher Barges©    Open Ocean Current Catchers©    Open Ocean Current Catcher© Power Farms
Tidal Area Current Catchers©    River Current Catchers©    Bridge Current Catchers©


Current Catcher Pontoon Barge

Current Catcher Pontoon Barge©


Current Catcher Pontoon Barge

Current Catcher Pontoon Barge©

Click for Current Catcher Pontoon Barge© Presentation


Paddle Wheel Current Catcher

Rectangular Pontoon Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher


Paddle Wheel Current Catcher with Spring Buoy Mooring

Spring Buoy Mooring System
for Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher

Paddle Wheel Current Catcher

Rectangular Pontoon Double Paddle Wheel Current Catcher


Paddle Wheel Current Catcher with Spring Buoy Mooring

Spring Buoy Mooring System



(Click for the "Current Catcher" Brochure and "Current Catcher" Presentation).


MEC defines Current Catchers© as support structures for current generators. The Current Catchers© can be Tidal Area Current Catchers©; River Current Catchers©; Bridge Current Catchers©; Open Ocean Current Catchers©; etc. In their most economical arrangement, the Current Catchers© will probably be installed in "Power Farms."

Tidal Area Current Catchers©:

  1. can be moored individually or in a Tidal Area Current Catcher© farm
  2. can accommodate flow direction changes without pitch or generator orientation changes
  3. can be moored in shallow water or deep water with standard mooring systems and anchors
  4. always stays on the water's surface, where the highest current velocities are usually located, even as the water levels change elevation with the tides and the flow conditions
  5. provide safe surface maintenance of the entire generating system
  6. provide highest power output thanks to its large current contact area
  7. provides the highest power output per investment dollar
  8. can have generators located inside the pontoons or on the top deck
  9. can transform power on the Tidal Area Current Catcher© or after export
  10. have many export cables options including: support by the mooring system, catenary support to neighboring Tidal Area Current Catcher©, overhead cables, etc.
  11. use simple principles that are quick to engineer for longevity, low risk, reliability, minimum maintenance, low costs, etc.